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2019 - ongoing


University for Third Age

People Behind began this initative in Athens in late 2019,

offering to people 65+ a variety of workshops and activities .

After Covid-19 we created the e-learning platform,

the e-Universtity for Third Age, where

our beneficiries follow weekly workshops, do their homework,

express ideas and thoughts and build relationships.

To access the e-learning platform (version only in Greek)


Currently the courses are:

European History, Greek Philosophy, Computers, English language,

Ancient Tragedy, Literature, Drama, Art history.

The program has been supported from TIMA Charitable Foundation, the Ministry of Culture,

Latsis Foundation and Eurolife FFE.

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All our programs and activities are based on the actual needs of our beneficiaries. We design each program after relevant research both in the field and in good practices from other national, European and international organizations. The ultimate goal of all People Behind's  projects is to improve the quality of life of older people.

2019 - ongoing

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University for Third Age

People Behind began this initative in Athens in late 2019,

offering to people 65+ a variety of workshops and activities .

After Covid-19 we created the e-learning platform,

the e-Universtity for Third Age, where

our beneficiries follow weekly workshops, do their homework,

express ideas and thoughts and build relationships.

To access the e-learning platform (version only in Greek)


Currently the courses are:

European History, Greek Philosophy, Computers, English language,

Ancient Tragedy, Literature, Drama, Art history.

The program has been supported from TIMA Charitable Foundation, the Ministry of Culture,

Latsis Foundation and Eurolife FFE.

2022 - 2024

Digital Life Learning

The project addresses both the need for senior citizens to integrate into society and be independent through the use of digital technologies, and the need for university students to gain new experiences of "real work" while participating socially and socially. as active citizens.

Reference number: 2022-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000088024



2022 - 2024

e- EngAGEd

E-engAGEd aims to increase digital, social and political participation of citizens, focusing on two target groups: Young people aged 18-25 years and 50+. The strategy of E-engAGEd is to develop an intergenerational learning approach within 2 years.

Reference number: CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV Project n°101081537



2021 - 2023

Hug 65+

The project aims to defend the right of equal access and participation of people 65+ in the digital world and is implemented over a period of 22 months in 5 cities in Greece (Patras, Thessaloniki, Ioannina, Chania, Athens).

At a time when government services, banks, markets, and even medical services are being digitized, the right to equal inclusion in the digital world affects everyone regardless of age.

Digital illiteracy, non-age-friendly platforms and the stereotypes for  older people prevent them from using digital tools that will improve both their everyday lives and quality of life in general.


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The project was implemented with InterMediaKT NGO as project leader and People Behind as partner.

It is supported from Active Citizens Fund program.

2018 - 2020

Expression lab 65+

Through the techniques of theater, music and theatrical movement,we practice  creativity, imagination and expression.These excerises help to improve memory as well as mental and physical health of the beneficiaries. This program is a collaboration of People Behind and ActionAid Hellas Community Center.

Program: Epikentro ActionAid Hellas.

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Facebook 65+

Facebook 65+ is a series of 10 courses designed especially for older people. They learn how to sign up on Facebook, to add friends, chat, comment and share material and content they like.

Through this action, older people get fiamiliar with new technologies and become part of the digital culture of the modern age.

The courses have been offered by People Behind in the context of the Digital Citizen festival as well as at the Theotokopoulou House of the Municipality of Athens.

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2017 - 2018

The happiness campaign

Through this project we discuess what happiness means for older people and at the same time we design a Social Media campaign

named "Make me happy".
Older participants get in touch with the digital world, Facebook and Instagram, learn to use hashtags, emoticons, upload photos,

selfies and videos!

See more:

Program: START Create Cultural Change

2016 - 2017

Grand Voice

During this project 50 older and 10 younger people from 5 different neighborhoods of Athens co-create an intergenerational performance about love.

See more: |

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Program: START Create Cultural Change

Watch the documentary "Hug 65+" 

A documentary for the rights of older people in the digital world


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Since 2017 | Registration number: 142222909000 | PIC number: 894683672

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